There are a lot of credit cards on the market today promising you savings with an unbelievably low rate. Then, they hit you with steep hidden fees, or raise the interest rate after a brief introductory period.
At your credit union, our VISA card provides you with real savings – not for a limited time, but always. Our credit card offers:
- Low rate
- No annual fee
- No Cash Advance Fees
- No Balance Transfer Fees
- 25-day interest-free grace period on purchases
If you are a current Materion Federal Credit Union VISA Cardholder and you would like to report a lost or stolen card, please call 1-800-543-5073.
To apply for a Materion FCU loan, you can apply online or contact the credit union.
Materion FCU Visa Online
Pay your credit card bill and manage your account online while in online banking or on our app- it’s free!
With online banking and our mobile app, you can access your account 24 hours a day, seven days a week, with information and services that make your Materion Federal Credit Union VISA more convenient and easier to manage than ever before. Features include:
- Account Summary Information
- Online Statement
- Data Downloadable to financial software such as Quicken or Money
- Online Credit Card Payments
- E-mail notifications of conditions or events on your account
To apply for a Materion FCU loan, you can apply online or contact the credit union.